Friday, February 18, 2011

Bee Knowledgeable Questions: Varroa Mites

Honeybees have a specialized parasite that preys on them and causes sickness and death. It is a mite called the Varroa destructor. Think about the following questions and see what answers you can find...

1) What is a Varroa mite?
2) How does it harm honeybees?
3) What can humans do to help?

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Boojum Beeyard: Winter's Rest

The cold winds blow and snow lies thick on the frozen ground. Most of the natural world takes this time to hibernate, conserve resources, and prepare for spring. Bees are no different. They are clustering and conserving their numbers as best they can so that they may survive the winter.

Soon it will be warm enough for the bees to leave the colony. Anytime the temperature rises above 50F (10C) they will make cleansing flights to expel their waste. When the temperature stays consistently warm enough, scout and forager bees will hunt for any available resources.
Check back soon, we will be checking on the Boojum Bees as winter gives way to spring!