Friday, October 7, 2011

Buzz about Native Bee Homes- DIY!

"Bees are a gardener’s best friend. Everyone who loves flowering plants or depends on plants for a living knows that without these important pollinators we would be in big trouble. That’s why wildlife habitat supporters encourage you to spend a little time this winter building and installing Mason Bee nests."
Mason Bee House
  1. Drill bits 5/16th of an inch.
  2. Untreated scrap lumber or 4X6 wooden block.
  1. Drill holes 3-5 inches deep using a regular pattern. Shallow holes may produce more male bees. You can attach a roof to protect it from midday sun and rain.
  2. Place the bee house on the south side of buildings, fence posts or trees.
  3. Do not spray insecticides on or around the bee house.

Check out the entire article:

BACKYARD NATURALIST: 'Bee' a friend to wildlife

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Buzz About the Vanishing of the Bees Documentary

Coming to Southern California, see a screening!
October 8 - Santa Monica, CA 90405
October 13 - Pasadena CA 91103

Vanishing of the Bees - Known as Colony Collapse Disorder, honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Vanishing of the Bees follows commercial beekeepers as they strive to keep their bees healthy. The film explores the struggles they face...

See more about this informative documentary at!